Premiere Pro Shortcuts Mac For Track Select Tool

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Adobe Premiere Pro Keyboard shortcuts

[su_spoiler title=”Premiere Pro CC default keyboard shortcuts” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”]

ResultsWindowsMac OS
Open Project/Production…Ctrl+OCmd+O
Browse in Adobe Bridge…Ctrl+Alt+OOpt+Cmd+O
Close ProjectCtrl+Shift+WShift+Cmd+W
Save As…Ctrl+Shift+SShift+Cmd+S
Save a Copy…Ctrl+Alt+SOpt+Cmd+S
Batch Capture…F6F6
Import from Media BrowserCtrl+Alt+IOpt+Cmd+I
Get Properties for
Paste InsertCtrl+Shift+VShift+Cmd+V
Paste AttributesCtrl+Alt+VOpt+Cmd+V
ClearDeleteForward Delete
Ripple DeleteShift+DeleteShift+Forward Delete
Select AllCtrl+ACmd+A
Deselect AllCtrl+Shift+AShift+Cmd+A
Edit OriginalCtrl+ECmd+E
Keyboard ShortcutsCtrl+Alt+KCmd+Opt+K
Make Subclip…Ctrl+UCmd+U
Audio Channels…Shift+GShift+G
Render Effects in Work
Area/In to Out
Match FrameFF
Reverse Match FrameShift+RShift+R
Add EditCtrl+KCmd+K
Add Edit to All TracksCtrl+Shift+KShift+Cmd+K
Trim EditTT
Extend Selected Edit to
Apply Video TransitionCtrl+DCmd+D
Apply Audio TransitionCtrl+Shift+DShift+Cmd+D
Apply Default Transitions
to Selection
Zoom In==
Zoom Out
Go to Gap
Next in SequenceShift+;Shift+;
Previous in SequenceCtrl+Shift+;Opt+;
Mark InII
Mark OutOO
Mark ClipXX
Mark Selection//
Go to InShift+IShift+I
Go to OutShift+OShift+O
Clear InCtrl+Shift+IOpt+I
Clear OutCtrl+Shift+OOpt+O
Clear In and OutCtrl+Shift+XOpt+X
Add MarkerMM
Go to Next MarkerShift+MShift+M
Go to Previous MarkerCtrl+Shift+MShift+Cmd+M
Clear Current MarkerCtrl+Alt+MOpt+M
Clear All MarkersCtrl+Alt+Shift+MOpt+Cmd+M
Type Alignment
Tab Stops…Ctrl+Shift+TShift+Cmd+T
Next Object AboveCtrl+Alt+]Opt+Cmd+]
Next Object BelowCtrl+Alt+[Opt+Cmd+[
Bring to FrontCtrl+Shift+]Shift+Cmd+]
Bring ForwardCtrl+]Cmd+]
Send to BackCtrl+Shift+[Shift+Cmd+[
Send BackwardCtrl+[Cmd+[
Reset Current
Alt+Shift +0Opt+Shift +0
Audio Clip MixerShift+9Shift+9
Audio Track MixerShift+6Shift+6
Effect ControlsShift+5Shift+5
Media BrowserShift+8Shift+8
Program MonitorShift+4Shift+4
Source MonitorShift+2Shift+2
Adobe Premiere Pro
Add Tracks to Match
Clear Poster FrameCtrl+Shift+POpt+P
Cut to Camera 1Ctrl+1Ctrl+1
Cut to Camera 2Ctrl+2Ctrl+2
Cut to Camera 3Ctrl+3Ctrl+3
Cut to Camera 4Ctrl+4Ctrl+4
Cut to Camera 5Ctrl+5Ctrl+5
Cut to Camera 6Ctrl+6Ctrl+6
Cut to Camera 7Ctrl+7Ctrl+7
Cut to Camera 8Ctrl+8Ctrl+8
Cut to Camera 9Ctrl+9
Decrease Clip Volume[[
Decrease Clip Volume ManyShift+[Shift+[
Expand All TracksShift+=Shift+=
Export FrameCtrl+Shift+EShift+E
Extend Next Edit To
Extend Previous Edit To
Audio Mixer Panel Menu
Show/Hide Tracks…Ctrl+Alt+TOpt+Cmd+T
Meter Input(s) OnlyCtrl+Shift+ICtrl+Shift+I
Capture Panel
Record VideoVV
Record AudioAA
Fast ForwardFF
Go to In pointQQ
Go to Out pointWW
Step BackLeftLeft
Step ForwardRightRight
Effect Controls Panel
Remove Selected EffectBackspaceDelete
Effects Panel Menu
New Custom BinCtrl+/Cmd+/
Delete Custom ItemBackspaceDelete
History Panel Menu
Step BackwardLeftLeft
Step ForwardRightRight
Open in Source MonitorShift+OShift+O
Parent DirectoryCtrl+UpCmd+Up
Select Directory ListShift+LeftShift+Left
Select Media ListShift+RightShift+Right
Go to Next Edit PointDownDown
Go to Previous Edit PointUpUp
Play/Stop ToggleSpaceSpace
Record On/Off Toggle00
Step BackLeftLeft
Step ForwardRightRight
Selection ToolVV
Track Select ToolAA
Ripple Edit ToolBB
Rolling Edit ToolNN
Rate Stretch ToolRR
Razor ToolCC
Slip ToolYY
Slide ToolUU
Pen ToolPP
Hand ToolHH
Zoom ToolZZ


A lightweight online tool to learn keyboard shortcuts for Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 for Mac. Track Select tool A. Ripple Edit tool B. Rolling Edit tool N. Rate Stretch tool X. Razor tool C. Slide tool U. Exit/Quit Premiere Pro ⌘ Q. New project ⌥ ⌘ N. New sequence ⌘ N. Start studying Premiere Pro CS6 Keyboard Short-Cuts Mac/Windows. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

[su_spoiler title=”Multi-camera” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”]

Keyboard Shortcuts for Premiere Pro CC March 17, 2016 March 20, 2016 / Ajit Sawant This is a list of the keyboard shortcuts that I use most frequently in my day to day editing that help me edit faster. 10 Adobe Audition Shortcuts For Editing Audio Adobe Audition is a powerful audio editing tool that fits well into the workflow if you are already using programs like Adobe Premiere for editing video and Adobe After Effects for creating motion graphics and animations.

ResultWindowsMac OS
Go to Next Edit PointDownDown
Go to Next Edit Point on Any TrackShift+DownShift+Down
Go to Previous Edit PointUpUp
Go to Previous Edit Point on Any TrackShift+UpShift+Up
Go to Selected Clip EndShift+EndShift+End
Go to Selected Clip StartShift+HomeShift+Home
Go to Sequence-Clip EndEndEnd
Go to Sequence-Clip StartHomeHome
Increase Clip Volume]]
Increase Clip Volume ManyShift+]Shift+]
Maximize or Restore Active FrameShift+`Shift+`
Maximize or Restore Frame Under Cursor``
Minimize All TracksShift+-Shift+-
Play AroundShift+KShift+K
Play In to OutCtrl+Shift+SpaceOpt+K
Play In to Out with Preroll/PostrollShift+SpaceShift+Space
Play from Playhead to Out PointCtrl+SpaceCtrl+Space
Play-Stop ToggleSpaceSpaceRecord Voiceover
Reveal Nested SequenceCtrl+Shift+FShift+T
Ripple Trim Next Edit To PlayheadWW
Ripple Trim Previous Edit To PlayheadQQ
Select Camera 111
Select Camera 222
Select Camera 333
Select Camera 444
Select Camera 555
Select Camera 666
Select Camera 777
Select Camera 888
Select Camera 999
Select Find BoxShift+FShift+F
Select Clip at PlayheadDD
Select Next ClipCtrl+DownCmd+Down
Select Next PanelCtrl+Shift+.Ctrl+Shift+.
Select Previous ClipCtrl+UpCmd+Up
Select Previous PanelCtrl+Shift+,Ctrl+Shift+,
Set Poster FrameShift+PCmd+P
Shuttle LeftJJ
Shuttle RightLL
Shuttle Slow LeftShift+JShift+J
Shuttle Slow RightShift+LShift+L
Shuttle StopKK
Step BackLeftLeft
Step Back Five Frames – UnitsShift+LeftShift+Left
Step ForwardRightRight
Step Forward Five Frames – UnitsShift+RightShift+Right
Toggle All Audio TargetsCtrl+9Cmd+9
Toggle All Source AudioCtrl+Alt+9Opt+Cmd+9
Toggle All Source VideoCtrl+Alt+0Opt+Cmd+0
Toggle All Video TargetsCtrl+0Cmd+0
Toggle Audio During ScrubbingShift+SShift+S
Toggle Control Surface Clip Mixer Mode
Toggle Full ScreenCtrl+`Ctrl+`
Toggle Multi-Camera ViewShift+0Shift+0
Toggle Trim TypeShift+TCtrl+T
Trim BackwardCtrl+LeftOpt+Left
Trim Backward ManyCtrl+Shift+LeftOpt+Shift+Left
Trim ForwardCtrl+RightOpt+Right
Trim Forward ManyCtrl+Shift+RightOpt+Shift+Right
Trim Next Edit to PlayheadCtrl+Alt+WOpt+W
Trim Previous Edit to PlayheadCtrl+Alt+QOpt+Q


[su_spoiler title=”Project panel” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”]

ResultWindowsMac OS
Workspace 1Alt+Shift+1Opt+Shift+1
Workspace 2Alt+Shift+2Opt+Shift+2
Workspace 3Alt+Shift+3Opt+Shift+3
Workspace 4Alt+Shift+4Opt+Shift+4
Workspace 5Alt+Shift+5Opt+Shift+5
Workspace 6Alt+Shift+6Opt+Shift+6
Workspace 7Alt+Shift+7Opt+Shift+7
Workspace 8Alt+Shift+8Opt+Shift+8
Workspace 9Alt+Shift+9Opt+Shift+9
Zoom to Sequence
Extend Selection UpShift+UpShift+Up
Move Selection DownDownDown
Move Selection EndEndEnd
Move Selection HomeHomeHome
Move Selection LeftLeftLeft
Move Selection Page DownPage DownPage Down
Move Selection Page UpPage UpPage Up
Move Selection RightRightRight
Move Selection UpUpUp
Next Column FieldTabTab
Next Row FieldEnterReturn
Open in Source MonitorShift+OShift+O
Previous Column FieldShift+TabShift+Tab
Previous Row FieldShift+EnterShift+Return
Thumbnail Size NextShift+]Shift+]
Thumbnail Size PreviousShift+[Shift+[
Toggle ViewShift+Shift+


[su_spoiler title=”Timeline panel” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”]

Result WindowsMac OS
Add Clip MarkerCtrl+1
Clear SelectionBackspaceDelete
Decrease Audio Tracks HeightAlt+-Opt+-
Decrease Video Tracks HeightCtrl+-Cmd+-
Increase Audio Tracks HeightAlt+=Opt+=
Increase Video Tracks HeightCtrl+=Cmd+=
Nudge Clip Selection Left Five FramesAlt+Shift+LeftShift+Cmd+Left
Nudge Clip Selection Left One FrameAlt+LeftCmd+Left
Nudge Clip Selection Right Five FramesAlt+Shift+RightShift+Cmd+Right
Nudge Clip Selection Right One FrameAlt+RightCmd+Right
Ripple DeleteAlt+BackspaceOpt+Delete
Set Work Area Bar In PointAlt+[Opt+[
Set Work Area Bar Out PointAlt+]Opt+]
Show Next ScreenPage DownPage Down
Show Previous ScreenPage UpPage Up
Slide Clip Selection Left Five FramesAlt+Shift+,Opt+Shift+,
Slide Clip Selection Left One FrameAlt+,Opt+,
Slide Clip Selection Right Five FramesAlt+Shift+.Opt+Shift+.
Slide Clip Selection Right One FrameAlt+.Opt+.
Slip Clip Selection Left Five FramesCtrl+Alt+Shift+LeftOpt+Shift+Cmd+Left
Slip Clip Selection Left One FrameCtrl+Alt+LeftOpt+Cmd+Left
Slip Clip Selection Right Five FramesCtrl+Alt+Shift+RightOpt+Shift+Cmd+Right
Slip Clip Selection Right One FrameCtrl+Alt+RightOpt+Cmd+Right


[su_spoiler title=”Titler” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”]

ResultWindowsMac OS
Arc ToolAA
Decrease Kerning by Five UnitsAlt+Shift+LeftOpt+Shift+Left
Decrease Kerning by One UnitAlt+LeftOpt+Left
Decrease Leading by Five UnitsAlt+Shift+DownOpt+Shift+Down
Decrease Leading by One UnitAlt+DownOpt+Down
Decrease Text Size by Five PointsCtrl+Alt+Shift+LeftOpt+Shift+Cmd+Left
Decrease Text Size by One PointCtrl+Alt+LeftOpt+Cmd+Left
Ellipse ToolEE
Increase Kerning by Five UnitsAlt+Shift+RightOpt+Shift+Right
Increase Kerning by One UnitAlt+RightOpt+Right
Increase Leading by Five UnitsAlt+Shift+UpOpt+Shift+Up
Increase Leading by One UnitAlt+UpOpt+Up
Increase Text Size by Five PointsCtrl+Alt+Shift+RightOpt+Shift+Cmd+Right
Increase Text Size by One PointCtrl+Alt+RightOpt+Cmd+Right
Insert Copyright SymbolCtrl+Alt+Shift+COpt+Shift+Cmd+C
Insert Registered SymbolCtrl+Alt+Shift+ROpt+Shift+Cmd+R
Line ToolLL
Nudge Selected Object Down by Five PixelsShift+DownShift+Down
Nudge Selected Object Down by One PixelDownDown
Nudge Selected Object Left by Five PixelsShift+LeftShift+Left
Nudge Selected Object Left by One PixelLeftLeft
Nudge Selected Object Right by Five PixelsShift+RightShift+Right
Nudge Selected Object Right by One PixelRightRight
Nudge Selected Object Up by Five PixelsShift+UpShift+Up
Nudge Selected Object Up by One PixelUpUp
Path Type Tool
Pen ToolPP
Position Object(s) to Bottom Title Safe MarginCtrl+Shift+DShift+Cmd+D
Position Object(s) to Left Title Safe MarginCtrl+Shift+FShift+Cmd+F
Position Object(s) to Top Title Safe MarginCtrl+Shift+OShift+Cmd+O
Rectangle ToolRR
Rotation ToolOO
Selection ToolVV
Type ToolTT
Vertical Type ToolCC
Wedge ToolWW


[su_spoiler title=”Trim Monitor panel” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”]

ResultWindowsMac OS
Focus Both Outgoing and IncomingAlt+1Opt+1
Focus on Incoming SideAlt+3Opt+3
Focus on Outgoing SideAlt+2Opt+2
Trim Backward by Large Trim OffsetAlt+Shift+LeftOpt+Shift+Left
Trim Backward by One FrameAlt+LeftOpt+Left
Trim Forward by Large Trim OffsetAlt+Shift+RightOpt+Shift+Right
Trim Forward by One FrameAlt+RightOpt+Right


So this is AdobePremierePro keyboard shortcuts a complete list.



Adobe Illustrator keyboard shortcuts

Premiere Pro Shortcuts Mac For Track Selection Tool


Jan 04,2019• Proven solutions

Whilst the conventional mouse control allows you to perform any task that Premiere is capable of, for efficient workflow the keyboard shortcuts cannot be beaten. We all work a little differently, and thankfully Adobe understands that, so although here we will be concentrating on the standard keyboard layout, the keyboard shortcuts can be customized to be anything you want and saved as a custom profile, there are even presets already included for Avid Media Composer and Final Cut Pro for those who are maybe transitioning from those packages or just prefer the way they work.

This is a basic tutorial about Adobe Premiere, professional video editing software. However, if video editing is new to you, consider Wondershare Filmora (originally Wondershare Video Editor), which is a powerful but easy-to-use tool for users just starting out. Download the free trial version below.

This is achieved by going through the path edit > keyboard shortcuts as below:

Before we step into the most useful shortcuts, a brief note here on the different platforms, although I'm sure most readers are aware. The PC and Mac versions of the software do share the same basic shortcuts with the one caveat that where the PC uses the Control and Alt keys, the Mac has Command and Option keys instead. Other than that the functionality is the same. I'll include the shortcuts for both platforms with each to make referencing easier.

1Select Window

I'm starting with this one simply because I find it the most used of all, especially if like me you prefer a custom layout for all your windows. If your program monitor is hidden for instance, you can just press shift+4 and there it is. The shortcuts are the same for both platforms here.

  • Audio Clip Mixer Shift+9
  • Audio Track Mixer Shift+6
  • Effect Controls Shift+5
  • Effects Shift+7
  • Media Browser Shift+8
  • Program Monitor Shift+4
  • Project Shift+1
  • Source Monitor Shift+2
  • Timelines Shift+3

2 Import

Whilst the shortcuts for editing and manipulating clips are extremely important for efficient workflow, it should be remembered that those relating to the basic operation of the program are just as useful, as we see here. Using Control and I (Command and I on Mac) brings up the import media dialogue box instantly.

3Capture Panel

There are multiple shortcuts that can be used within the capture panel, but because this is such an intrinsic aspect of the Premiere workflow, being the entry into a project for all media, I think the available shortcuts are all as valuable as each other here.

  • Navigate Through Fields - Tab
  • Cancel Capture - Esc
  • Fast Forward - F
  • Rewind - R
  • Go to In Point - Q
  • Go to Out Point - W
  • Record - G
  • Stop - S
  • Step Back - Left Arrow
  • Step Forward - Right Arrow

4 Timeline Panel

In a similar vein to the Capture Panel, the Timeline Panel has a set of shortcuts specific to all its basic operations, and are essential for a faster workflow.

  • Clear Ins and Outs - G
  • Clear In Point - D
  • Clear Out Point - F
  • Go to In Point- Q
  • Go to Out Point - W
  • Match Frame - M
  • Start and Stop - Spacebar
  • Play Normal Speed - L
  • Play Reverse Normal Speed - J
  • Set In Point - I
  • Set Out Point - o
  • Shuttle Stop - K
  • Trim - T
  • Arc Tool - A
  • Ellipse Tool – E

5 Navigation within a clip

This one works within the program monitor/timeline or source monitor windows, ensure the desired one is active first of course. You can move to a specific time code within the clip, or go forwards or backwards a set number of frames using the number pad. To go to a specific time code simply type that on the number pad. To travel a set number of frames simply type + or – (to signify direction) and the number of frames.

6Marking Clips

By far the simplest way to mark clips is to use the keyboard shortcut.

For marking clips use X , whilst marking a selection is / .

7 In and Out

In addition to marking clips via shortcuts, it is also far easier to mark In and Out points this way.

  • To Mark In use I , whilst to mark Out use O .
  • To Clear In the shortcut is Control+Shift+I for PC and Option+I for Mac.
  • To Clear Out Control+Shift+O for PC, Option+O for Mac.

8Playing Clips

Going hand in hand with the shortcuts for marking, are the keyboard commands for playing clips. These are:

  • Play In to Out: Control+Shift+Space (PC) and Option+K for Mac
  • Clear In and Out: Control+Shift+X (PC) and Option+X for Mac
  • Play Around: The same for both platforms and is Shift+K.

To get the best from this it is necessary to set some options beforehand, as Play Around plays the portion of the timeline around the Playhead, and where it plays is dependent on the options set. This is done through the menu via edit > preferences > playback, here I have preroll and postroll set to 4 seconds, meaning that it plays 4 seconds prior and following the point where the playhead is placed.

In addition, turning on looping for this can help to fine tune edits.

9Toggle Audio During Scrubbing

There are times you may want to hear audio when scrubbing, however turning it off can have beneficial effects on performance for lower end computers. The shortcut makes it an easy process to turn off and on as required.

The shortcut is Shift+S for both platforms.

10Slide a clip within the sequence

There are a couple of options available here from the shortcuts, slide one frame or 5 frames.

  • To slide one frame to the left is Alt+, for PC or Option+, for Mac. To increase to five frames add Shift to either shortcut.
  • To slide one frame to the right is Alt+. for PC and Option+. for Mac. Again, to increase to five frames add Shift.

11Slip within a sequence

As with the slide options, the choice is one frame or five frames.

  • To slip one frame to the left is Control+Alt+Left for PC or Option+Command+Left for Mac. To increase to five frames add Shift to either shortcut.
  • To slip one frame to the right is Control+Alt+Right for PC and Option+Command+Right for Mac. Again, to increase to five frames add Shift.


You can move a clip up or down simply by using the Up and Down arrow keys, whilst holding Alt or Option at the same time allows you to select just the video or audio to move.

13Multi Camera Selection

Pro Tools 12 Shortcuts Mac

This is a tool that allows you to work with multiple camera angles of the same subject or scene. To switch between different cameras quickly is extremely useful and accomplished with the numerical keys.

Numbers 1 through 9 select the corresponding camera.

14Add an edit

This option cuts the track (or tracks) that are targeted. The shortcut for this is Control+K or Command+K.

You can view all added edits within a sequence by selecting show through edits within the sequence menu.

15Add the default Transition

This option applies the default transition to all selected media. To do this use Shift+D.

16 Match Frame

Locating a specific frame within the sequence for adding in a second clip is very useful, the shortcut is M, a great timesaver.

Pro Tools Windows Shortcuts

17Zoom to sequence

Being able to zoom in is great, it makes working in the sequence panel much easier, at least for me, however the one drawback I find is that I tend to get lost when looking for a particular clip. Using / enable you to quickly zoom out for navigation and back in again to work

18Jump to Edit

Navigating from edit to edit is a very simple process with the shortcuts available to you.

Pro Tools Keyboard Shortcuts Mac

Page up takes you to the previous edit point, whilst page down takes you to the next.

With practice these shortcuts become second nature and you will find your workflow becomes not only faster but a smoother operation as well.

19Toggle the type of Trim used

Quickly shift between Standard, Ripple and Roll trim types.

Shift+T for PC, Control+T for Mac

20Ripple Trim

This enables you to trim the head or tail of the clip very quickly, making an extremely efficient workflow. To trim the next edit from the Playhead use W, for the previous edit from the playhead use Q.

Easy-to-use and powerful video editor for all creators.

Bring up your video to a professional level with straightforward tools.

Pro Tools Shortcut Keys

Pro Tools 12 Shortcuts Pdf

  • Choosing Video Editing Software
  • Video Editing Tips

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