Best Sql Tool For Mac Postgresql

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What is a good GUI tool for PostgreSQL that has a comfy tabbed view for results and queries, easy sorting and grouping of results, IntelliSense, a good “query builder” to help with syntax, support for versioning of SQL code, and a good debug mode?

  1. Best Sql Tool For Mac Postgresql Start
  2. Postgresql Mac Os
  3. Postgresql Tools For Windows
  • There is a cool Oracle SQL query tool dbForge Studio for Oracle with Oracle Query Builder, SQL Profilerl and visual designing any queries. Unfortunately, it’s available only for Windows. Unfortunately, it’s available only for Windows.
  • For Mac is a collection of graphical tools for using and managing PostgreSQL servers, as well as the server itself installable on any Mac running OS X version 10.5.x. Also included as part of the package is the PGSQLKit framework, an open source framework for developers to leverage the power of PostgreSQL in their own applications.
Active1 year, 7 months ago

I'm looking for desktop admin tool similar to phpPgAdmin for POstgreSQL in Mac os X . Any recomendation?

If you are looking for the best SQL client tool working on Mac with Redshift, then you must visit Datasparc Inc. Which offers DBHAWK, it’s a self-service BI and Web-Based Database Management Tool for Oracle, SQL Server, Redshift, Greenplum, MongoDB and other databases. The Best PostgreSQL GUI Tool for Mac - TablePlus June 17, 2018 TablePlus provides a native PostgreSQL client on mac with GUI Tools and an intuitive user interface to help you connect, query, browse, edit and manage your PostgreSQL databases in a fast and secure way.

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3 Answers

PgAdmin is a good admin tool, and works with Mac OS X. PhpPgAdmin should also work on OS X, although you'd need to install and set up PHP, which I can offer no advice on.

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Best Sql Tool For Mac Postgresql Start

PgAdmin on Mac OS X is not the same as other OSs.

For example, you can't just paste text in SQL Query Editor, it gets broken and you have to paste in scratch pad first, then copy & paste in editor. Although for administer database, tables, indexes, I still use it.

I prefer create tables, indexes and so on by commands, so I prefer Aqua Data Studio. I have tried others, but none of them satisfied me. Although Aqua is expensive, it has a student 'mode' that you can try for a while, or if you are one, use as you need. Version 4.7 does not limit the time you use.

It shows databases, table structures, indexes and so on, but the really good part, to me, is the editor. When you use it, and know how to work properly, the shortcuts and 'extras' are very helpful. Just make a query and hit Apple + R to export a nice XLS report. Select table name and hit Apple + D and it shows the table structure right on results panel. Type INSERT INTO schema.table ( AND hit Apple + Alt + C and you get all fields typed, or SELECT FROM schema.table JOIN schema.table2 AND, get your cursor right after the SELECT word, hit Apple + Alt + X to get all field 'table-qualified'.

Also, it has a nice import/export tool. If you receive a file which contains data you need to import and work on it, you can parse it (from CSV, XLS, SQL file or other types) and populate an existing table and even create a new table to suit the new data.

Although it has a little bug (as related here:, it works really fine. And can connect to other databases as well.

Fernando M. PinheiroFernando M. Pinheiro

Still in its alpha version but seems like a good option as well


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